Hey Freedom Seekers,
Happy Friday to you and I hope you've had an awesome week. So last night, The Laptop Lifestyle Freedom Tribe hosted a webinar with my mentor Keysha,and celebrated her milestone of hitting $100k with our system. 

   Keysha gave us tips on growing an online business, and how she leveraged social media to grow her $20k month with SAN. There are tons of golden nuggets and inspiration in this and I hope you get value like many of us did. Click here to get access to this FREE webinar. Hosted by our very own Kirshana, Zak, and Shawn. Let me know what you got from it and how you were inspired to get started or implement some of the techniques mentioned. 

Have any questions? Let's connect.

I still have a few time slots for a 15 minute coaching call if you want to see if this newbie system is for you, or want to know how I can help get you started on your own online biz. Click here for the 15 minute coaching call.

If you're ready to try our done for you system for $1 Get Started Here

Connect with me on Facebook---> https://www.facebook.com/quinella.johnson

Subscribe to my YouTube channel for some How To vidz and some inspiration
----> http://bit.ly/vidswithq

Do you tweet? Hit me up @quinellajohnson

Go to NaturalNella.info to check out my passive income project.

Text me if you have any questions. 240-303-2711
I'll see you at the top, the bottom is way too crowded.✌
