So...this will be my first blog, EVERRR!!! I am so excited I could scream, Aaaah lol. I've always wanted to help people, hell, I've always wanted to help myself! That is exactly what I am doing. I am stepping out on faith and creating opportunity for myself & others. I am tired of waiting for opportunity to knock on the damn door. I'm tired of going to work for someone else. Having to ASK for time off from work..?..psssh! I want to be the mom that all the kids know because I'm always at the school, always brining snacks to class, and chaperoning the field trips. Before I RANT on, smh, I'm done working long hours...THIS is me, rolling up my sleeves, getting some drywall, paint, and a doorknob. I am building my own opportunity, creating for me and mines... My journey has been long, and the struggles have been real! I'm excited and nervous because this is the first time I have believed in myself enough, to just JUMP. I grew tired of seeing positive quotes on social media, hearing people congratulate others for a job well done, I am finished waiting...This is me creating my own door and knocking that sucka down. Cheers to that!!!  

     I've learned a lot on my journey, got great multi 6 & 7 figure earning mentors, passed some huge hurtles, and celebrated a lot of wins. More and more people are venturing off to find ways to make more mulah! Join myself & others as we take back our time, rack up this cash, and fire our bosses...Join the Laptop Lifestyle!!!  

P.S. This door making project(opportunity), isn't just for ME!!! I want to help YOU create the lifestyle you want. This is the "done for you" system my 7-figure mentor uses, to help others make money from home, so easy newbies are having $1k days!  
Check out this newbie friendly system, where you can earn $1k days, just plug in! Its a $1 trial, plug in and check it out for yourself. If you're serious about making some extra cash while working your job, it is seriously just $1 to try it out, 4 quarters, 10 dimes...WITH a MORE than your MONEY back guarntee if you do everything and don't make money...! Simply no risk. See you on the inside 😊
